Well, Wilder Voice has just hit the shelves. It weighs in at 112 pages, only four fewer than the last behemoth. It contains the result of two--count 'em, two--surveys of the Oberlin student body, and it has a fold-out art section.
Covered in this issue: Freewheeling Guidos, Stuxnet, shaving, postal art, the peak-oil apocalypse, the internet as the apotheosis of oral culture, death and Facebook, a father's escape from Cuba, the ethical dilemmas of non-lethal weapons, Jewish identity and Israel - Palestine at Oberlin, the OCOPE - College labor dispute (in which Wilder Voice pisses off, you know, everyone involved), the rise of the neoliberal arts college, and a healthy dose of fiction, memoir, and poetry.
Suffice it to say, thank god I'm done.
In other news, I intend to blog again. What brought me back? The strange case of Julian Assange and Wikileaks.