Speaking of Wilder Voice--and before I delve into a (I hope) nuanced discussion of Julian Assange--I'd like to point out the best line in Wilder Voice, and, perhaps, the best concluding line that I've ever read:
A new mindset is upon us, etc..
The context in which this fantastic line appears is Saul Alpert-Abrams's excellent meditation on evolution of thought, from the oral frameworks of the ancients (e.g., the Homeric epics), to the apotheosis of literate cultural (e.g., the Enlightenment and the Romantics), and finally to today's internet culture and its bizarre amalgamation of orality and literacy.
The preceding sentences:
But imagine having at your command a system of traditional themes and stories which belong so wholeheartedly to a long and meaningful canon that there is comfort in the sound of the words put together; and imagine the creative possibilities of having this at your beck and call! O to be self contained, unreliant, and yet thoroughly connected to the web of human experience!