Monday, June 16, 2008

That's So Gay


Greeting Card
Keegan Wenkman

It is beyond trite to say that we live in a nation of contradictions. To illustrate this point, I give you a tale of two states. California recently allowed gay marriage, and stories like this, via dday (at Digby's Hullabaloo), is enough to warm the hearts of any gay-loving, latte-sipping liberal:

His soon-to-be mother-in-law, Peggy Waters, 80, looked on as her only son and his groom finalized the order.

"Kevin's a 10," Peggy Waters said. "All the women Paul brought home, I never liked. This is still a dream come true."

On the other hand, we have schools in South Carolina, disbanding all student groups in an effort to get rid of GSAs (Gay-Straight Alliances). This is after a principle resigned rather than re-institute a GSA because to do so would offend his principles (via Dispatches from the Culture Wars)

Lastly, in a move reminiscent of Spain's expelling the Jews (way back in the day), Gambia is giving gays and lesbians 24 hours to leave the country before they start killing them. How generous. I'm not going to comment much, except to say that religious intolerance comes in many shapes and sizes. And, to paraphrase The West Wing, these people don't wear cute, wooden shoes. Or, in other words, we oughtn't abide this kind of persecution simply because it is happening far away, by a culture we don't understand.