Tomorrow morning, I'm off to Boston for a couple months. I'll be taking summer classes out there. It's a three day drive, and I doubt I'll be able to post much from the road... aw, shucks, I know.
Here's the list of things I'd like to get to, but probably won't, in the coming week:
(1) The Rhetoric over Boumedienne et al v. Bush.
(2) A review of Brian Wood's Local.
(3) Africa, or, another argument for Obama.
(4) The homosexual roundup.
(5) The case for moderate scientific anti-realism and the problem with pro-science bloggers.
Odds are, I'll get to one or two of these before I leave. The rest will probably have to wait until the end of the week. Also, if you're lucky, I'll post some pictures of my new nephew, who is absolutely adorable. His name is Mac.