Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Mug That Saved My Life

The Mug That Saved My Life
Teamsters Local 320

This isn't hyperbole. On the way to the library today, my face nose in a book, oblivious to the world around me, I nearly got run over by a massive bulldozer. Fortunately the man driving the rig (is this a proper use of the word rig?) stopped just in time and said, "I wouldn't run you over; you've got a Teamsters mug." Thank you again, Sarah. It's a great mug. A lifesaver, even.

Of course, it's "a lifesaver" in other ways too. After all, how else can one expect me to get through Epistemology without killing someone? Were it not for my coffee, gentle reader(s), shit could get ugly.

I'm giddy; you might be able to tell. Wilder Voice is out. Finally. And it looks good. We're going to get some money back from the printers for a couple of things here and there, but I won't tell you what, because then you'll see them... or something.

Also, I finished my Epistemology paper, my Epistemology final, and my Rhetoric paper, leaving just my massive private reading paper... phew.