Friday, August 3, 2007

Why Coffee Isn't the Best Choice

I was falling asleep before the meeting tonight and decided to combat this with a cup of coffee, the second of the day, and the fifth or so caffeinated beverage since lunch. I say this not to impress you with my caffeine intake. In fact, looking over what I just wrote, it's clear that I am quite the caffeine lightweight. The point is, for me, this extra cup gave me the jitters pretty bad.

Side note: people are watching TV in the fishbowl, and it appears to be some obnoxious TV show featuring ridiculously attractive people and annoying acoustic Christmas music. It's a Christmas special of some kind. Oh, God, the music has shifted to some out-of-tune string quartet, now, and they're tucking their kids in bed, and saying things like, "I'll testify against my mother" and "you're better off without me." Ah! It's called Las Vegas. Okay, end side note. It's bad, and it's already doing a Christmas show; it's August, for Christ's sake.

Back to the caffeine and why it was a bad idea. First, this post is rambling, incoherent and--by the way, Fergie has a song called "Big Girls Don't Cry." How had I not heard this before? It's amazing!--yeah, rambling and incoherent should do it.

Have I proved my point?