Saturday, September 18, 2010

Station Identification

You're looking at the day's to do list (note: I redacted a few things). Everything looks fine until you get over to MHST 235, where you see listening assignments spread across ten different CDs. Two questions: (1) Why does the Con Library only let you take out two of these CDs at a time? (2) Is it really that hard to put these up online?

Look, I'm all for doing lots of listening in Music History; seriously, I'm more than happy to pull out a score and dig into listening assignments. But only being able to take out two at a time because you and everyone you know is trying to do the same assignment while you sit in the Con Library listening booth, wishing you were someplace less loud and with fewer people bro-fiving their bffs.

This is Ich Bin Ein Oberliner, waiting for the day that professors just put damn their assignments online.