Friday, October 23, 2009

Adorable Things (A Metapost)

I Love xkcd from NoamR on Vimeo.

xkcd gets animated (h/t Ezra Klein), and it's adorable!

I just wanted to draw your attention to a couple of things. First of all, as you may have noticed, my friend Marc will now have a recurring (weekly? bi-weekly? in the other sense of bi-weekly? monthly? Warren Ellis-monthly?) column here at Ich Bin Ein Oberliner. It's called "An Episodic Life," and it's about, well all art episodic. The first post is here.

Granted, Marc isn't an Oberliner in the sense that he went to Oberlin. But, were it not for the fact that Oberlin is in a cornfield, he probably would have fit right in here.

I've known Marc since middle school, and I've admired his writing since high school. He knows more about comics and tv than anyone else I know, and I have no doubt that you guys will enjoy reading his stuff.

So, yay!

Secondly, I have a new post up at the blog for which Oberlin pays me to write (Oberlin Blogs). Read at your own risk.