Monday, October 20, 2008

My Commenters Are Smart

Picture from Ezra Klein

A couple weeks back, when Sen. McCain was playing at toning down the rhetoric of his campaign. I published a hopeful little post, that ended: "Maybe, just maybe, John McCain isn't as big a bastard as he seems."

In response, a commenter (Brian of Bubblegum Aesthetics) wrote:

I think this actually makes him a bigger bastard-- he says this at rallies, even as (as you point out) Palin continues to say the opposite, and his ads continue to air sliming Obama. He really does believe we're stupid enough not to notice all this is happening at once, and I suspect this split perspective is intentional-- he can continue to nudge nudge/wink wink at the base while being praised for his statesmanship by a MSM who desperately want to believe he's still an honorable guy.

Boy, was he ever proved right. As of right now, Sen. McCain is running this robocall:

Charming, right? After a wave of criticism of this tactic--including criticism from the McCain Campaign's Maine co-chair, Susan Collins--he still wants the ad up. This is a charming little snippet:

John McCain: just as big a bastard as we all thought.