Monday, September 22, 2008

The Scoop

Well, from my keyboard to tristero's (over at Digby's Hullabaloo) blog:

[C]onservatism is postmodernism made flesh. How else to explain this incredibly bizarre contradictory nonsense, breathtaking in its stupidity and mind-blowing in its lack of irony?

I believe I said something similar just yesterday:

I could make a joke at this point about the ridiculousness of today's conservatives ridiculing postmodernism and identity politics, considering the entire conservative movement (or, at least the part that's in electoral politics) has fully embraced this philosophy. Conservatives have been exploiting identity politics--or some bastardized, overly pomo version of it--in order to win elections for at least a decade. Sarah Palin? George Bush's anti-elitism? The entire McCain campaign?
