Monday, September 22, 2008

Links from the Past

The Post-it Project Centerfold

As the political blogosphere is currently--and correctly--up in arms over the collapse of the financial markets, and I--frankly--understand that about as much as John McCain does, I am choosing to ignore it. At least for the moment. I'm writing an article for The Grape about it (remember: elevating readers, or something), I will have to know something about it quite soon. I'll burn that bridge when I come to it.

In the meantime, let me offer up this blast from the past. In the early months of this blog--over a year ago, I believe--I highlighted a blog called The Post-it Project. I stumbled across this blog while doing research for my ill-fated Pynchon Project (yeah, I never finished sodding Gravity's Rainbow...). You see, Zach Smith, a porn actor/artist had an amazing piece up at The Walker Art Museum (Murderopolis pride, yo). He drew a small picture for each page of Gravity's Rainbow. I had the opportunity to stare in awe at it just about every day for three months, as I was a guard at The Walker at the time.

Anyway, The Post-it Project, is simply scans of post-its that people have drawn and doodled on. It's a hoot. I'm highlighting it now, as the guy who runs it just did a kind of retrospective, taking a picture of 155 post-its on a wall. It's pretty fun stuff.