Two normally hackish and useless pundits have been eating their Wheaties. The result: I may have to revise my opinion of them (at least Joe Klien, not so much with the Chris Matthews. Matthews will be Matthews, don't cha know).
Joe Klien writes on Lipstick on a Pig-gate:
I am sure that there is no cynicism involved here. I am certain that Steve Schmidt and his band of merry men--and they are, almost exclusively, men--are deeply offended, in their feminist souls, by what they perceive as a glancing reference to Sarah Palin's lipstick on a pit bull line in her acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention.
I am certain this has nothing to do with diverting attention from matters of actual substance. That's why Matt Drudge and the New York Post have made it their lead items. I am equally certain that my colleagues in the media, especially the geniuses who populate cable news, will find this far more important than, say, McCain's and Obama's respective positions on the energy bill--which contains crucial tax credits for alternative energy programs--now being considered in the Congress. (Hint: McCain opposes the bill because it would close tax loopholes for oil companies, a tax "increase" of the sort that he has pledged to never, ever support.)
There's more(!):
Back in 2000, after John McCain lost his mostly honorable campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, he went about apologizing to journalists--including me--for his most obvious mis-step: his support for keeping the confederate flag on the state house. Now he is responsible for one of the sleaziest ads I've ever seen in presidential politics, so sleazy that I won't abet its spread by linking to it [ED: I have no such qualms].
And there's still more(!):
A new rule here: Rather than do the McCain campaign's bidding by wasting space on Senator Honor's daily lies and bilge--his constant attempts to divert attention from substantive issues--I'm going to assume that others will spend more than enough time on the sewage that Steve Schmidt is shoveling and, from now on, try to stick to the issues.
Damn Joe Klein, "Senator Honor's daily lies and bilge," you're sounding like one of those unwashed, dirty hippy-bloggers. Oh, Joe Klein, you're getting to be one cheeky fucker. I hope, and I think, that this means that the media is catching on to Senator McCain's Utter Bullshit Express. The question is, with the Joe Kleins win out, or will it be the cowering, acquiescent bunch we've gotten to know and love.
Let's move on to pundit number two. Chris "spare me the phony outrage" Matthews makes mincemeat of a Republican drone (this via MyDD, where the header read "Chris Matthews Pwns Republican Strategist". Giggle.):
Side note: that Democratic strategist needs to stop using so many metaphors. "Weapons of mass distraction"? Really? Side note two: I refuse to consider this Lipstick on a Pig-gate an actual political event. As such, I'm tagging this post "cultural miasma". Take that Washington politics! Also, is it sad that this is one of the best media days in recent memory?
Yes, yes, it is.