Sunday, May 11, 2008

Avoiding Epistemology VIII

Order Up
Kelly Schmader

I present to you a quick tour of some of the day's adventures in procrastination.

I stumbled upon this site in my meandering and meaningless search of the internet today. It's, apparently, an Oberlin blog. It is, unfortunately, somewhat inexplicable. I've never in my life heard of such a thing. Also, I think they've been listening in my thoughts, as I've been cooking up an idea (also by way of procrastination) involving a sort of student-run professional blog.

Think of it this way. It's like law review, where students review professionals' papers, but, instead of being on some kind of dead-tree thing, it's on a blog. We would get, and I'm thinking we'll start with politics, a mix of liberal and conservative bloggers. I'm thinking Digby, Greenwald, Kathy G., and then some non-asshole conservatives (if we can find them...). They would each write an initial post, edited by students, then, let the fireworks begin! What do you think?

But I digress.

Yeah, Oberlin blogs... weird. Also weird as none of the four or five people that actually blog here at Oberlin (that I know of) are involved. I'm thinking it might be a project with the english dept. Actually, my ego's just bruised because they didn't ask me to participate... (kidding on the square).

Moving on.

In other Oberlin news, Fareed Zakaria of Newsweek is getting an honorary degree and delivering the commencement address. That should be interesting.

The Comics Curmudgeon always makes me laugh. Here's the Hi and Lois strip that did me in today. It's just... depressing. Which is, of course, why it's funny. Ah, Gen Pomo:

Now go read what Josh has to say.