Saturday, April 12, 2008


"As Long as I Need to"
Keegan Wenkman

First and foremost, Kathy G., over at The G Spot, has a terrific post up explaining monopsony. It gives words and coherent thought to a lot of my intuitions (which I couldn't ever hope of articulating as I don't understand Econ) about the neoclassical model of labor competition. Check it out here.

While on the subject of The G Spot--I am pleased to tell you that it is now a group blog, and, while it remains pretty econ heavy, it also discusses feminism, foreign policy, and a whole host of other things. It's rapidly becoming one of my favorites.

Next up, you may have noticed a distinct lack of blogging on my part. This is due to the distinct uptick in work I've had to do. The Wilder Voice (Oberlin's magazine) is coming out on the first of the next month, so, obviously that's been taking up a lot of time (I'm an editor and I do layout and I'm writing an article...).
Furthermore, I've have papers and projects due in two of my classes. Blah blah blah.

Enough of that.

I have done some reading, however. You'll note the addition of Vaughan's Ex Machina, Lapham's Young Liars, and the latest Scalped. I'll try to get to Young Liars, in particular, later today or tomorrow. Don't change the channel. Also, if you've been following what the wingnutosphere has been calling BITTERGATE!!!!1111 (a good primer is here), you might enjoy this video. It's Obama's on point response to Sens. McCain and Clinton's attacks.