Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Avoiding Epistemology IV

Brian Wood
DMZ, issue twenty-nine: "Blood in the Game"

I'm actually doing much more than avoiding Epistemology, I'm avoiding work. In theory, I'm copy editing for The Grape right now--one of the newspapers serving Oberlin College. In actuality, I'm--obviously--writing a blog entry.

I got picked up the latest issue of Brian Wood's DMZ today. Good stuff. DMZ just came off of a six (I think) issue run, going through the backstories of various secondary characters. While nice and important, I'm glad to be getting back to DMZ's more traditional six issue narrative arc.

While on the subject of DMZ, the forth trade came out today.

There's been a lot of speculation and gotchas coming from some of Obama's crazier critics over the senator's relationship with a Mr. Rezko. This blog, RezkoWatch is dedicated to Obama's dealings with this shady dude.

This is a message from me to the MSM, RezkoWatch, hell, the media in general. Bringing up questions in the passive voice isn't journalism. It isn't a gotcha. More often then not, it's a pretty good sign of, well, nothing. For example: "Questions have been raised over Obama's relationship with Satan." Oooo! Gotcha, Obama!

Seriously, I doubt that Obama's super-squeaky clean. But, guys, give me some actual news and I'll pay attention.

God, I'll be glad when primary season's over.