Flying Dutch
Keegan Wenkman
I mentioned adding a new site to my blogroll--MPLSart--in a previous post. I'd just like to elaborate on why exactly I find this site so important.
Minneapolis pretty much rocks the culture and arts scene in the Midwest. Granted that isn't saying too much; I'm aware Minneapolis does not equal New York. Nevertheless, I'd venture to say that Minneapolis has one of the most vibrant cultural scenes in the country, between the insane number of theaters here (chief among them the world-renown Guthrie), the art scene (led by the cultural powerhouse, The Walker Art Center, creator of The Soap Factory, Movies in the Park, etc.), and the local music scene (for classical, with The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra and Lyra Baroque, and for pop, with tapes and tapes, Battle Royale, and The Bees, just to name a few).
All of this leads me to MPLSart, which highlights young, up-and-coming artists, including Keegan Wenkman, the painter from the top of the post. I'd strongly recommend that you head over the MPLSart and take a look at their featured artist page. I know I'm actually considering taking a portion of the money I'm making at this cushy executive assistant gig and putting it towards buying some art. Unfortunately, I really want to move into a new apartement, and I'll have to find $500 dollars deposit plus first month, so, I may have to wait for the next insanely well-paying temp job.
Fuck, now I have to add the "things i probably won't do but want to" tag to this post.