I just like this art. He's got a bunch of stuff up at the delicious but pricey Cafe Barbette in Uptown.
My sister S___, a chronic blog lurker and public defender told me over dinner last night--incidentally at Barbette--that she didn't much like the "Murderopolis" references here at Ich Bin Ein Oberliner. Well, S___, I understand how you may feel that way, being a public prete--defender, whoops--and all, but in my defence, I should say that considering the headline I saw on the huge MPR news billboard on I-94 last night, it's awfully apropos. Headlines talking about gang violence and shootings across the cities are awfully common, and, since there's really nothing I can do about crime--and, believe you me, S___, living on West Seventh, I've come to appreciate better flagrent disregard for the law and gang violence--I might as well accept it. And the best way for me to accept something I don't like, is to make jokes about it until it's power has been diminished. It's possible this isn't the most grown up way to deal with the somewhat ridiculous crime in the big 612/615, but, alas, it's all I have.

Warren Ellis (writer) and J.H. Williams III (artist)
Desolation Jones: Made in England
So, I was going to give you a long, detailed review of Desolation Jones. I was going to talk about Ellis's love of the anti-hero. I was going to say that some of his favorite characters (Jones himself from Desolation Jones, the barkeep/girlfriend in Fell, that guy from Global Frequency, Issue 9, etc., etc.) are all people who try to convince themselves and others that they don't give a shit, while they actually make incredible sacrifices for others. I was going to relate this to Ellis writing, make the argument that he, despite all his sexual deviancy, cliched young, funky, attractive, spunky female supporting characters (see Global Frequency/Desolation Jones) is actually often giving a simple clear moral. Just like his characters, I was going to argue, he wades through an awful lot of gratuitous--or seemingly gratuitous bullshit--for a very straightforward moral code. I was going to write a lot about this, but decided it would take too much work to write properly. So, hopefully I just slid this one in under the radar by writing about writing, thus getting my idea out there without the annoyance of actually having to support my argument. You see how I did that? Sweet.
I've moved into my new apartment, payed the $1,010 dollars for one month and five days and a deposit, and now have $80 in my account and a job I'm leaving in two weeks.
More will be revealed.