Monday, February 11, 2008


Another blog of note: Bubblegum Aesthetics. I noticed some hits coming from them, and they appeared to have rolled me in the wake of my 15 minutes of almost-fame. Check it out here. I'm not quite sure who writes it, a student or a professor, but I know this, if it's a professor, he/she might be offended that someone thought he/she was a student, so, I'll remain silent on its authorship, just in case.

I will say they appear to like West Wing as much, if not more, than I do. Quite a feat. Also, they have videos up. I almost never post videos because I'm lazy. So, go read this not-so-lazy, erudite student/professor blogger here. It's worth it.

Just so you know, no, I won't ever get tired of linking to, quoting, and making you all read about me in press. Ever. My capacity for self-fawning is larger and more powerful than anything. Anything, damn it, anything.