Friday, August 10, 2007

Morning Update V

Page 93
Zak Smith. Here.

Gravity's Rainbow
, page 93:

This city, in all its bomb-pierced miles: this inexhaustibly knotted victim... skin of glistening roofslates, sooted brick flooded high about each window dark or lit, each of a million openings vulnerable to the gloom of this winter day. The rain washes, drenches, fills the gutters singing, the city receives it, lifting, in a perpetual shrug...

I'm no longer at my cushy office temp job. I'm back to guarding art at the Walker Art Center. Please sir, don't touch the paintings...

Well, it couldn't last forever.

A couple of things. First, my solo recital, on September seventh is coming along swimmingly. I've got a name and a program. It's called Mythologies, and is a collection of everything from Bach and Telemann, to Castello, to post-modern and contemporary works, including a world premiere, written by yours truly--Variations on Two French Tunes ("Au Claire de la Lune and Noel Novelet--Now the Green Blade Rises). So if you're around, here's an open invitation to Mythologies at the Saint Paul Conservatory of Music on September seventh at 8:30.

Next, The Burial at Thebes fucking rocks. I did a version of Ajax once upon a time, and while I thought it was pretty good, I was using pretty hard, so I'm rather inspired to do a redo after reading Antigone. I'm not done yet, but what Heaney's doing with the language and the themes is terrific. It's the right blend of modern aphorism and the grandiosity of old speech. And, as usual with Classical literature, the bare-bones plots and structure allows the translator to flesh out his own themes. Review coming.

Also, my posts are going to have to slow down a bit now that I won't have internet access from nine to five every day. Alas, I will still write, and I'll try to keep up with my morning updates as best I can.

Lastly, a couple of blogroll things. Go see It Has Happend Before's new post regarding over-use of Nietzche and Fight Club references and check out Kanye West's sunglasses here. With beauty like that on earth, imagine the joys of Heaven. Also, my Friend M___'s blog, This Blog Is Of No Interest To You is rocked and rolled (ick?).